Muscle Up Fat Down (30-minute)
Based on Intelligent Automatic Muscle Training Technology, the treatment works on both muscles stimulation and breaks fat at the same time without physical effort. One 30-minute treatment is equivalent to 20,000 sit-ups or squats. It results in firmer and toned muscles for better aesthetic appearance in just 30 minutes and significantly improves body metabolism, showing prolonged results faster. 2-3 sessions per week per part are recommended for optimal results. Treatment is non-invasive and without pain, sweat nor downtime.

Get Lean - 30 minutes - HK$1,950+/session/part
abs | arms | thighs | buttocks | hamstrings | lower waist

Pain Reliever - 30 minute - HK$1,950+/session/part
whole back | neck & shoulder | arms & hands | thighs | buttocks & hamstrings | calf

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HK$ 1,950.00